Blog Archives - Gameween Video game development Mon, 24 Feb 2025 15:02:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog Archives - Gameween 32 32 How Casino Game Development Differs from Traditional Video Games Mon, 24 Feb 2025 15:02:34 +0000 The gaming industry is certainly a very broad one covering everything from dynamic video games to complex casino games. While both forms of entertainment try to entertain users, they differ in how they are developed, how they are played, and how the users interact with themselves. As a gamer, user of GGbet Lietuva or a …

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The gaming industry is certainly a very broad one covering everything from dynamic video games to complex casino games. While both forms of entertainment try to entertain users, they differ in how they are developed, how they are played, and how the users interact with themselves.

As a gamer, user of GGbet Lietuva or a potential developer, knowing these differences offers valuable information on the complexities and the promising aspects of each genre. So, how do casino game development and video games differ from one another? 

From the definition of casino games, ”online slots games for a casino,” one can tell that developing casino games is different from making ordinary video games. Even though both intend to entertain the users, the technical specifications and the development procedure for these sectors of gaming are quite different. 

Here’s a breakdown of what sets them apart:

RNG Mechanism Integration and Core Mechanics

Unlike classic games that involve skillful players, casino games deeply depend on Random Number Generators (RNG), thus distinguishing themselves from other games. Even though casino games use skillful players, their outcomes are generated using RNG systems. In order to attain fair play, serving accounts for the strictest of protocols, while third parties have to certify the claims made, serving as an additional layer of protection.

In traditional video games, mechanics are designed around the type of gameplay that includes player skill and progression. Unlike casino games, a higher degree of skill can be displayed in these games. The development team also differs drastically in video games compared to casino games due to this fact.

Compliance with Rules And Regulations

Like other industries, casino game developers also have to comply with rules, but the regulations are much more strict. Each video game requires proof or evidence that there is a particular mathematical model in place that accounts for distinct Return-to-Player (RTP) percentages. To be up to the standard set by numerous jurisdictions, the code receives unyielding and thorough testing.

A video game is a broad field and does not require such testing scrutiny, so a developer will have more space for creativity. However, it is crucial to still abide by age coding and content regulations set, as well as, adhere to the guidelines set for scrutiny and fairness of the game.

User Engagement: Keeping Players Hooked 

The strategies to engage users in casino games and video games are different as they have different target audiences, for example, casino games are geared toward gambling audiences while video games aren’t. 

Video Games aim for long-term immersion by presenting great stories, vast worlds, and character development. The players are kept playing through achievements, leaderboards, and unlockable content. 

In contrast, Casino games focus on delivering short and fun experiences with immediate rewards. They use psychological triggers like sound effects, animations, and visual cues to give the feeling of winning. 

The graphics and theme are key to attracting users to casino games. For example, bright slot machines with bright colors, movie themes or exotic locations attract those looking for an escape. High-quality audio visual elements make winning more exciting and memorable.

Player Engagement Systems

Casino games are designed with precise reward schedules that are based on psychological principles. The technical structure must facilitate:

  • Timely win frequencies
  • Nearmiss experiences
  • Bonus activation rates
  • Progressive jackpot features
  • Calculations for player returns

Video games, on the other hand, utilize different technical systems for player engagement:

  • Tracking achievements
  • Progressing characters
  • Challenges based on skill
  • Advancing stories
  • Adjusting difficulty dynamically

Development Architecture

Casino game architecture requires strong systems for transaction handling and security. The essential technical components are:

  •  Realtime payment processing
  •  Secure RNG implementation
  •  Server Side outcome verification
  •  Integration with casino management systems
  •  Compliance monitoring tools

Video game architecture, however, focuses on:

  •  Physics engines
  •  AI systems
  •  World streaming
  •  Multiplayer networking
  •  Asset management

Testing Protocols

Casino game testing prioritizes mathematical verification, which includes:

  •  RNG certification processes
  • Statistical outcome analysis
  •  Transaction security testing
  •  Integration testing with casino platforms
  •  Compliance verification

Conversely, video game testing addresses:

  •  Gameplay balance
  •  Performance optimization
  •  Bug identification
  •  User experience testing
  •  Cross Platform compatibility

Technical Performance Requirements

Casino games must maintain perfect transaction accuracy and instant response times. The backend systems handle:

  • Realtime bet processing
  • Immediate win calculations
  • Transaction logging
  • Player balance updates
  • Anti Fraud measures

Video games prioritize:

  • Frame rate stability
  • Loading time optimization
  • Memory management
  • Graphics performance
  • Input responsiveness

Technology Stack Considerations

Casino games require specialized technologies:

  • Certified RNG algorithms
  • Financial transaction systems
  • Real Time monitoring tools
  • Cross Platform compatibility

Video games utilize:

  • Game engines
  • Graphics libraries
  • Physics systems
  • AI frameworks
  • Audio middleware

Understanding these technical differences helps developers navigate between these distinct gaming sectors. While both types of games aim for player entertainment, their development requires different technical expertise and approaches.

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Who is an Economy Designer in the gaming industry Sun, 17 Dec 2023 15:04:00 +0000 The Game Economy Designer (or Game Economist) is responsible for designing, balancing, and maintaining the economic component of games.

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The Game Economy Designer (or Game Economist) is responsible for designing, balancing, and maintaining the economic component of games. For example, if a game allows players to collect and store gold, the Game Economy Designer has to determine: how to get this gold, how much and for what actions; how to spend the accumulated gold; what is the upper limit of accumulation and if there is any at all, etc.

As for specific responsibilities, we are talking about

  • forming the basic balance of game currencies;
  • balancing rewards in activities;
  • creation of offers for players;
  • researching the game’s KPIs;
  • analysis and adjustment of deficits/surpluses of game currencies.

In a strategy like Forge of Empires, the calculation will also be based on time, but the role will be played not by character leveling, but by the development of a city or village. And in the case of Clash of Clans, a strong emphasis is placed on the time of building a structure. This does not affect the game’s economy, but it is important for monetization and the total time a person spends in this game. For example, the main building of the 20th level takes three days to build – this time is needed to emphasize that the player is really moving to a new stage, to motivate him.

In addition to the economy and time, there is also monetization. Let’s take F2P – it is the only source of income for them. Therefore, the team introduces special “crutches” to motivate players to pay a dollar or two. For example, they add a paid option to speed up the construction of a building by two hours. And many such purchases occur when a player has already started doing something but does not have time or does not want to wait longer. This is often an impulsive purchase, which, however, plays into the studio’s hands.

Both the list of tasks of a Game Economy Designer and who he or she has to communicate with most directly depend on the company and its structure. After all, somewhere an economic designer may be alone, and somewhere he/she may work in a team of similar specialists. In addition, he or she may additionally perform the functions of a game designer, data analyst, system designer, etc. The standard rule usually applies: smaller team means more responsibilities.

Most often, you have to deal with the game design department (Game Designers, Level Designers), as well as the Product Manager and the producer. The least such a specialist cooperates with marketers and developers. Communication with the latter is mainly limited to the creation of tools that will facilitate their work (for example, help them edit variables in the game build).

Typical tasks include:

  • express analysis of KPIs;
  • working with analyst reports;
  • calculations for new functionalities and optimization of existing ones.
  • meetings for the presentation of new functionality;
  • analysis of revenue deviations, etc.

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Methods of implementing mirrors in games Mon, 10 Jul 2023 15:00:00 +0000 Thanks to the development of technology, developers have been able to create graphics in games close to photorealism.

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Thanks to the development of technology, developers have been able to create graphics in games close to photorealism. However, there are still a lot of problems in the implementation of the visual component that specialists face during the production of projects. One of them is often mirrors.

Why it’s hard to create mirrors in games

The main problem with creating mirrors and any reflections in games is not the methodology. There are plenty of implementation options, but choosing the best one for the specifics of a particular project and guaranteeing the right level of optimization is the main challenge. And there is no single unified solution.

For a correct and truthful reflection, the mirror should show the character, the environment, and the objects behind. At the same time, the image should change depending on the angle at which the camera or character is located and show movements. That is, mirrors should respond to changes in space in real time.

In order to show the environment behind the character in the reflection, it needs to be rendered, the angle of entry and exit from each point within the coverage needs to be calculated, and everything needs to be reflected in the mirror. At the same time, it was necessary to take into account the intensity and direction of lighting, visual effects, and light-reflecting surfaces.

The simplest example is the first-person view. In games that use this camera option, the protagonist’s model can be adapted in some way for ease of control or certain mechanics. The player does not see this, but mirrors need to show the character correctly and without changing the proportions of the body.

On top of that, there is the need to guarantee high-quality optimization in the presence of mirrors, and this is the most difficult task. Each reflection for a fair reflection slows down the frame calculation by a fraction of a second.

In addition, scenes are usually rendered gradually, meaning that assets are loaded a moment before the player sees them. In certain situations, the presence of a mirror makes it necessary to adjust this approach and load twice as many assets. This adds complexity to the optimization. As a result, rendering programmers, who are usually responsible for creating mirrors, have to try to make everything work smoothly.

Screen Space Reflection (SSR)

Let’s start with a method that is often used to implement mirrors in modern games. Screen Space Reflection works with information already embedded in the scene. The engine takes a snapshot of the current frame and analyzes it to determine the objects to be reflected. Next, a simplified, low-resolution version of the scene is created, known as a display buffer or G-buffer. It contains only the objects and surfaces that will be shown in the reflection.

This buffer is used to calculate all the reflections for the final version of the display. Using it, the engine projects rays from the camera position in the screen space. The latter are used to process the buffer and further determine the color and intensity of the reflection.

Planar Reflections

This method involves additional rendering of the entire scene, which is applied to a separate plane. From this plane, the image is projected onto reflections. An important condition: these surfaces must be parallel to each other.

When using Planar Reflections, the reflection shows an exact copy of the environment. However, this method has several important limitations. It can perfectly reflect the scene along one axis. This is good for realizing mirrors and reflections on flat surfaces, but Planar Reflections cannot be used for other geometric shapes.


Cubemaps was first introduced by NVDIA in 1999 to realize reflections in car mirrors in racing games on the PlayStation 1. That is, the technology is quite old, but it has not lost its relevance.

The name implies that the method uses a special cube around which the stage is located. 2D images of the environment are projected on its surface, and this creates a panoramic view of the environment.

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The best programming languages for game developers Tue, 06 Jun 2023 14:55:00 +0000 A game developer is a professional who creates game content and software for computer games. He works in a team that includes game designers, artists

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A game developer is a professional who creates game content and software for computer games. He works in a team that includes game designers, artists, musicians and other professionals to realize their ideas into a game product. The peculiarity of the gamedev industry is its dynamism, fast pace of development and constant striving for innovation.

To develop games it is necessary to have knowledge and skills of programming. There are several programming languages that are widely used in gamedev:


C++ programming language is one of the most popular and powerful languages for game development. It provides low-level access to hardware and has high performance, which is especially important for creating resource-demanding games.


The C# programming language is one of the main languages for game development in the popular Unity game engine. It offers a simple syntax, integration with Visual Studio, and powerful tools for creating game content.


Python is a a high-level programming language that is widely used in various fields, including gamemade. It has a simple and clear syntax, which makes it attractive to beginners. Python is used for game prototyping, scripting, and creating developer tools.


A programming language that is often used in web development and can also be used to create browser-based and mobile games. It has broad support and a rich set of libraries and frameworks for game content development.


Java programming language is also used in game development, especially for creating games for Android mobile platforms. It offers a wide range of features and good performance.

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